Phoenix Pest Control: 602-338-9223
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Arizona Pest Control News & Articles
How Long Does it Take to Get Rid of Ants? Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
July 20, 2024

How Long Does it Take to Get Rid of Ants?

Ants are nuisance pests that can spread disease and do damage to your home. There are many species of ants in Phoenix, most notably carpenter ants, fire ants, harvester ants, ...

How Long Does it Take to Get Rid of Ants?

How to Keep Pests Out of Your Garage in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
July 20, 2024

How to Keep Pests Out of Your Garage

SIf you’re like most homeowners, you don’t use your garage as a living space but rather as a place to store your car, lawn equipment, bikes, tools and more. You also likely don’t ...

How to Keep Pests Out of Your Garage

FAQs About Summer Mosquitoes in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
June 19, 2024

FAQs About Summer Mosquitoes in Phoenix

Summer through early fall is mosquito season in Phoenix, but they can be year-round pests when it really comes down to it. There are things you can do to prevent and reduce the ...

FAQs About Summer Mosquitoes in Phoenix

Are Fleas Driving You Crazy This Summer? Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
June 19, 2024

Are Fleas Driving You Crazy This Summer?

Summer attracts lots of insects, and fleas are certainly among them. In fact, the presence of several annoying pests will increase during the summer months, from fleas and mosquitoes to ...

Are Fleas Driving You Crazy This Summer?

Clean Up Your Home and Prevent Pests Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
May 16, 2024

Clean Up Your Home and Prevent Pests

Pests crave shelter and out-of-the-way places. Clutter provides the perfect cover. This is why you should keep your home neat and tidy so as not to attract pests like spiders, rodents ...

Clean Up Your Home and Prevent Pests

Wasp Prevention For Phoenix and Mesa Yards Arizona
Pest Control
May 16, 2024

Wasp Prevention For Phoenix and Mesa Yards

Wasps are rarely welcomed in Phoenix and Mesa yards, yet that doesn’t keep them from building nests in the most inopportune places. You don’t want your outdoor picnics to be ...

Wasp Prevention For Phoenix and Mesa Yards

Start Thinking About Mosquito Pest Control in Phoenix This Spring Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Apr 26, 2024

Start Thinking About Mosquito Pest Control in Phoenix This Spring

It’s not summer yet, but mosquitoes are starting to make their big comeback for the season. There are things you can do now to start preparing for the onslaught. Those humid, warm, ...

Start Thinking About Mosquito Pest Control in Phoenix This Spring

What Are the Most Common Scorpions in Arizona? Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Apr 26, 2024

What Are the Most Common Scorpions in Arizona?

From the Bark Scorpion to the Stripetail Scorpion, there are four species of scorpions native to the Phoenix AZ area. They all love dry climates characterized by the southern parts ...

What Are the Most Common Scorpions in Arizona?

Your Guide to Carpenter Ant Control Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Mar 16, 2024

Your Guide to Carpenter Ant Control

Controlling carpenter ants isn’t as challenging as you may assume, especially when you pair good sanitation efforts with hiring a pest control technician in Phoenix. Carpenter ants ...

Your Guide to Carpenter Ant Control

The Secret to Effective Mouse Control Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Mar 16, 2024

The Secret to Effective Mouse Control

Mice are a common menace plaguing homes and businesses throughout Phoenix, especially in the cooler months. That’s because rodents tend to invade homes when they are seeking ...

The Secret to Effective Mouse Control

7 Most Common Bugs in Hotels Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Feb 16, 2024

7 Most Common Bugs in Hotels

It can be quite a challenge to run a successful business in the hospitality industry, especially in a hotel. Adding bugs into the mix makes this task even harder. Studies show that ...

7 Most Common Bugs in Hotels

Termite Awareness Week is Coming Up Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Feb 16, 2024

Termite Awareness Week is Coming Up

Termite Awareness Week is March 10 to 16 this year, and it’s time to brush up on your termite knowledge. This annual event was created by the National Pest Management Association ...

Termite Awareness Week is Coming Up

Busting Spider Myths in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Dec 23, 2023

Busting Spider Myths

You don’t find many people who actually love spiders. Most of us are afraid of them, or at least just don’t want to be around them. There are many urban legends out there ...

Busting Spider Myths

Pest-Proofing Your Home: 5 New Year's Resolutions in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Dec 23, 2023

Pest-Proofing Your Home: 5 New Year's Resolutions

One resolution you can make for 2024 is to have a trusted pest control company in Phoenix in your back pocket in case you need one. Pests aren’t going anywhere, and you want to ...

Pest-Proofing Your Home: 5 New Year's Resolutions

How to Avoid a Pest-Infested Home by Decluttering in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Nov 15, 2023

How to Avoid a Pest-Infested Home by Decluttering

Pests love clutter. They can hide in it, they can nest in it, they can even chew through it. That’s why, in general, clean homes don’t have as many pest problems as unkempt ...

How to Avoid a Pest-Infested Home by Decluttering

6 Common Pests New Homeowners Encounter in in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Nov 15, 2023

6 Common Pests New Homeowners Encounter in Phoenix

If you’re new to the homeowner thing, you may be thinking more about how to pay for your mortgage or which room to paint first, and less about which pests you may encounter ...

6 Common Pests New Homeowners Encounter in Phoenix

How to Get Rid of Pigeons in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Oct 16, 2023

How to Get Rid of Pigeons

When you think of traditional pests that require professional intervention, pigeons are probably the last thing on your mind. But they are actually considered nuisance ...

How to Get Rid of Pigeons

Rodents and Restaurant Pest Control in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Oct 16, 2023

Rodents and Restaurant Pest Control

Mice and other vermin can be dangerous pests that have no place in your restaurant. Associated with dirt and disease, rodents can leave droppings and urine that make ...

Rodents and Restaurant Pest Control

The 5 Most Common Pests in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Sept 21, 2023

The 5 Most Common Pests in Phoenix

Phoenix is home to a variety of different rodents, with the most common ones being pack rats, house mice, and roof rats. They all share similar qualities as well as ...

The 5 Most Common Pests in Phoenix

Keep Your Pets Away From These Pests Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Sep 21, 2023

Keep Your Pets Away From These Pests

You love your pets. You understandably will do all you can to keep them safe. But you may not be aware of the hidden dangers lurking in your own home and yard. From ...

Keep Your Pets Away From These Pests

Most Common Rodents in Phoenix, AZ Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Aug 16, 2023

Most Common Rodents in Phoenix, AZ

Phoenix is home to a variety of different rodents, with the most common ones being pack rats, house mice, and roof rats. They all share similar qualities as well as ...

Most Common Rodents in Phoenix, AZ

Should You Buy a Home That Has Had Termites? Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Aug 16, 2023

Should You Buy a Home That Has Had Termites?

When putting in an offer on a house, the last thing you want to skip is the inspection. This will tell you if the home is plagued with termites, as this could be a deal ...

Should You Buy a Home That Has Had Termites?

Ticks and Lyme Disease in Arizona in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
July 24, 2023

Ticks and Lyme Disease in Arizona

Tick season lasts from April to October in the Phoenix area, so we are right smack in the middle tick season right now. It’s important to continue to be diligent about ...

Ticks and Lyme Disease in Arizona

The Low Down on Earwigs In Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
July 24, 2023

The Low Down on Earwigs In Arizona

As a homeowner, you’re likely always on the alert for insect invaders of all types. You may be more aware of the most common pests like mice or ants. But the truth is ...

The Low Down on Earwigs In Arizona

How to Get Rid of Stubborn Fleas in Phoenix in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
June 20, 2023

How to Get Rid of Stubborn Fleas

If your pet or home is infested with fleas, you may panic at first. You’ve heard they’re stubborn, so how will you get rid of them? It’s true that it’s hard to get rid of ...

How to Get Rid of Stubborn Fleas

Natural Ant Elimination Tips in Phoenix in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
June 20, 2023

Natural Ant Elimination Tips

Ants are a common sight in homes and yards in the warm weather. But that doesn’t mean you have to live with them. Got an ant problem in Phoenix but are reluctant to use ...

Natural Ant Elimination Tips

Getting Crickets Under Control in Phoenix in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
May 17, 2023

Getting Crickets Under Control in Phoenix

With summer approaching, the season for crickets in Phoenix, Arizona is nearly upon us. You may have a ...

Getting Crickets Under Control in Phoenix

Pest Control Tips For Pizza Shops Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
May 17, 2023

Pest Control Tips For Pizza Shops

If you own a pizza shop, you know the importance of keeping pests like insects and mice out of your place of business. Not only can they contaminate food, they can get people sick, ...

Pest Control Tips For Pizza Shops

Preventive Pest Maintenance Outdoors in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Apr 20, 2023

Preventive Pest Maintenance Outdoors

If you want any hope of preventing pests from getting into your Phoenix home, you need to start with some strong outside preventative care. You can control invading outdoor pests by ...

Preventive Pest Maintenance Outdoors

Here's What to do if You Have Ants in Your Restaurant in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Apr 20, 2023

Here's What to do if You Have Ants in Your Restaurant

If you’re the owner of a restaurant, the presence of pests such as ants is never a good sign. Not only can these pests pose a health threat to your customers, it can do a number on ...

Here's What to do if You Have Ants in Your Restaurant

Health Hazards of Pests in the Home in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Mar 13, 2023

Health Hazards of Pests in the Home

Pests in the home can be a nuisance but they are much more than that. Many pests create a health hazard as well. Whether the threat is a stinging insect or a rodent with droppings, ...

Health Hazards of Pests in the Home

Prevent Pests With Landscape Management in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Mar 13, 2023

Prevent Pests With Landscape Management

If you own a business, you know your property’s appearance matters. It provides a good first impression of your company, while presenting a safe and clean environment for your ...

Prevent Pests With Landscape Management

Pigeon Control in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Feb 13, 2023

Pigeon Control in Phoenix

Pigeons are seemingly everywhere, from public parks and parking lots to downtown areas and river banks. While there’s nothing you can do about that, there is something you ...

Pigeon Control in Phoenix

Mosquito Pest Control in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Jan 18, 2023

Mosquito Pest Control in Phoenix

Sharing your property with mosquitoes can be frustrating, as they can ruin any backyard barbecue or pool party pretty quickly with their annoying bites and buzzes. But these insects ...

Mosquito Pest Control in Phoenix

Scorpion Pest Control in Phoenix Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Jan 18, 2023

Scorpion Pest Control in Phoenix

Scorpions are some of the most feared creatures in Arizona, as many species have a lethal sting. They like desert life but tend to hide in dark, cool places. If you think ...

Scorpion Pest Control in Phoenix

Ant Pest Control in Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Jan 18, 2023

Ant Pest Control in Phoenix

Ants are a nuisance pest no matter where they occur, from inside your house or out in your yard. It may seem impossible to keep these tiny black critters out of your home, but ...

Ant Pest Control in Phoenix

Cockroach Pest Control Guide Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Dec 22, 2022

Cockroach Pest Control Guide

Cockroaches are never a welcome site in your Arizona home. That’s because they’re dirty, they spread disease, they’re unsightly and they reproduce very quickly. With their ...

Cockroach Pest Control Guide

Spider Pest Control Guide Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Dec 22, 2022

Spider Pest Control Guide

From black widow to brown recluse, there are many spiders that can be found in Phoenix and surrounding areas. The key is to be educated about spiders, what they look like, how ...

Spider Pest Control Guide

Buying a Home With a History of Termites Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Nov 19, 2022

Buying a Home With a History of Termites

If you’ve finally found your dream home, you’re understandably excited to get the inspection and closing over with so you can enjoy your new house. But in your haste, don’t ...

Buying a Home With a History of Termites

Top Warning Signs of Roof Rats Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Nov 19, 2022

Top Warning Signs of Roof Rats

Third only to scorpions and termites, roof rats are the biggest pest to plague the Phoenix area. If you spot these critters in or around your home, call a Phoenix exterminator ...

Top Warning Signs of Roof Rats

Your Guide to Fall Cleaning and Pest Prevention Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Oct 12, 2022

Your Guide to Fall Cleaning and Pest Prevention

With fall well underway, it’s time to think about performing a deep clean inside and outside your home. A general cleaning is great for your family’s safety and health, but ...

Your Guide to Fall Cleaning and Pest Prevention

The Most Common Pests in Phoenix to Look Out For Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Oct 12, 2022

The Most Common Pests in Phoenix to Look Out For

There are many pests and critters that live amongst us in Phoenix AZ. But there are some that are more common and prevalent than others, such as termites and scorpions. ...

The Most Common Pests in Phoenix to Look Out For

How Can You Get Rid of Mice Once They're Inside Your Home? Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Spet 19, 2022

How Can You Get Rid of Mice Once They're Inside Your Home?

Of course, you know that prevention is the best method of keeping rodent infestation at bay. But even the most diligent of efforts can result in a mouse in the house ...

How Can You Get Rid of Mice Once They're Inside Your Home?

How to Remove a Bee Stinger Safely Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Sept 19, 2022

How to Remove a Bee Stinger Safely

While some stinging insects can sting repeatedly, others lose their stingers right after the attack and even die. Did you know that bumble bees, honey bees and carpenter bees ...

How to Remove a Bee Stinger Safely

Top Natural Ways to Get Rid of Ants Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
July 23, 2022

Top Natural Ways to Get Rid of Ants

If you have an ant problem in your Phoenix home, but you are concerned about using harmful chemicals to get rid of them, there are natural ways you can eradicate those ...

Top Natural Ways to Get Rid of Ants

A Look at How Quickly Mice Can Multiply in Your Home Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
July 23, 2022

A Look at How Quickly Mice Can Multiply in Your Home

Mice may seem cute in the cartoons, but when they’re scurrying across your kitchen floor in the middle of the night, you will think differently. Rodents such as mice ...

A Look at How Quickly Mice Can Multiply in Your Home

Top Restaurant Pest Control Tips Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
July 23, 2022

Top Restaurant Pest Control Tips

Whether you have been invaded by scurrying rodents, flying insects, or creepy crawly bugs, no pest of any kind is ever welcome in a restaurant environment. Not only ...

Top Restaurant Pest Control Tips

Crazy Facts About Silverfish Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
July 22, 2022

Crazy Facts About Silverfish

Silverfish are weird-looking creatures that have a prehistoric appearance. Indeed, they predate the dinosaurs by 100 million years! These scaly insects are tear-shaped ...

Crazy Facts About Silverfish

Here's How to Make Your Backyard Unappealing to Mosquitoes Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
June 21, 2022

Here's How to Make Your Backyard Unappealing to Mosquitoes

Who doesn’t love sitting on their porch with a refreshing drink or entertaining with a barbecue on a warm summer evening? But these events can be very unpleasant ...

Here's How to Make Your Backyard Unappealing to Mosquitoes

Types of Arizona Termites Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
June 15, 2022

Types of Arizona Termites

Why worry about Arizona termites? Well, for one, they can cause a lot of damage to your home in a very basic and structural way. For another, that damage ...

Types of Arizona Termites

Are the Spiders in Phoenix Dangerous? Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
May 15, 2022

Pests That Are Harmful to Pets

If you have pets, you understandably want to do all you can to protect them. While Phoenix is a great place to live due to the warm weather, recreational ...

Pests That Are Harmful to Pets

Are the Spiders in Phoenix Dangerous? Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
May 15, 2022

Are the Spiders in Phoenix Dangerous?

Many people have a general fear of spiders, but when those spiders actually pose a danger, the fear increases even more. Truth is, most spiders don’t cause ...

Are the Spiders in Phoenix Dangerous?

How to Identify Bug Bites. Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
April 15, 2022

How to Identify Bug Bites

Have you ever seen a bite somewhere on your body and wondered: how did I get that? Some biting pests such as fleas, ticks and mosquitoes are most active ...

How to Identify Bug Bites

How to Keep Your Home Safe From Pests During a Storm Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
April 15, 2022

How to Keep Your Home Safe From Pests During a Storm

Storms and hurricanes can bring about devastation to homes all over the country, including Arizona – especially when you consider this area can ...

How to Keep Your Home Safe From Pests During a Storm

Do Fleas Go Away on Their Own? Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
March 15, 2022

Do Fleas Go Away on Their Own?

No one ever wants to hear their pet or their home has fleas, yet it happens more often than you think. Once you have them, fleas can be difficult ...

Do Fleas Go Away on Their Own?

Stay Pest-Free With These 6 Spring Cleaning Tips Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Match 15, 2022

Stay Pest-Free With These 6 Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is upon us, and it’s great to hear all the birds chirping and the buds starting to sprout. But this also happens to be prime pest season. Take this ...

Stay Pest-Free With These 6 Spring Cleaning Tips

Why Do You Need Cricket Control? Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Feb 15, 2022

Why Do You Need Cricket Control?

You may not think that crickets are pests, but they are indeed. While you may equate them with the sounds of a warm summer evening, truth is, crickets ...

Why Do You Need Cricket Control?

4 Common Arizona Scorpions Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Feb 15, 2022

4 Common Arizona Scorpions

The Phoenix AZ area is home to many different types of scorpions. These insects thrive in dry climates like the southern parts of Arizona. Having scorpions in your home or ...

4 Common Arizona Scorpions

6 Signs You Have a Spider Infestation Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Jan 15, 2022

6 Signs You Have a Spider Infestation

While spiders do have their perks (they reduce the population of other pests in and around your property like flies and mosquitoes), their drawbacks far outweigh their ...

6 Signs You Have a Spider Infestation

Most Common Arizona Rodents Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Jan 15, 2022

Most Common Arizona Rodents

From pack rats to house mice to roof rats, there are many common rodents found all over Phoenix. They are all different when it comes to size, nesting habits and food ...

Most Common Arizona Rodents

new-year-resolution-pest-proofing-home Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Dec 15, 2021

New Year's Resolutions For Pest-Proofing Your Home

With the new year comes a new set of resolutions. Many of us resolve to eat better, get fit, or pursue a promotion at work. But why not create a New Year’s resolution ...

New Year's Resolutions For Pest-Proofing Your Home

tips-for-keeping-cockroaches-away-business Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Dec 15 2021

5 Tips For Keeping Roaches Away From Your Business

Cockroaches are never a welcome sight in any setting, particularly when they are spotted in a commercial building such as a restaurant. They spread disease and can ruin ...

5 Tips For Keeping Roaches Away From Your Business

winter-pest problems Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Nov 15, 2021

The Top 5 Winter Pests in Phoenix AZ

Just because the temps are dropping in Phoenix doesn’t mean your pest problems are over. With the arrival of winter comes the arrival of pests native to the Phoenix ...

The Top 5 Winter Pests in Phoenix AZ

how-to-choose-a-pest-control-company.jpg Phoenix AZ
Pest Control
Nov 15, 2021

How to Choose an AZ Pest Control Company

There’s no time to lose if pests have started invading your AZ home. Choosing the best pest control company to get to the root of the problem quickly is imperative ...

How to Choose an AZ Pest Control Company

Call 602-338-9223
Best Pest Control

Frontino Pest Co. is proud to be a family- and veteran-owned pest control company serving both commercial and residential clients throughout Mesa AZ and surrounding areas such as Phoenix and Scottsdale. The Frontino team applies eco-friendly, safe yet tough solutions to a variety of pest problems, from insects to rodents and everything in between. Our technicians are licensed and insured to provide comprehensive pest control services for your home or business. Call us now for a free inspection and estimate. Popular bugs included in our general pest control service: CLOTHES MOTHS, COCKROACHES, ANTS, MICE, RATS, SCORPIONS, SILVERFISH, SPIDERS, CENTIPEDES, EARWIGS, CRICKETS, MILLIPEDES, PAPER WASPS

Exterminator & Pest Control Services

Phoenix, Mesa, Ahwatukee, Fountain Hills, Guadalupe, Tolleson, Fountain Hills, Cave Creek, Glendale, Gilbert, Chandler, Apache Junction, Peoria, Avondale and Litchfield Park, Arizona

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