Summer through early fall is mosquito season in Phoenix, but they can be year-round pests when it really comes down to it. There are things you can do to prevent and reduce the presence of mosquitoes in your yard so that they don’t descend on your property along with the heat and humidity.
Your trusted mosquito exterminator in Phoenix AZ can offer seasonal treatments as well. Let’s take a look at some FAQs about mosquitoes during summer in Phoenix.
Q: How do I know I have a mosquito infestation?
A: Signs include:
- Bites: This one’s obvious, but a big indicator you have a plethora of mosquitoes on site. Usually it’s the females that bite, not the males, as they need blood in order to produce eggs.
- Constant buzzing sound: Mosquitoes, just like other flying insects, produce an annoying high-pitched buzzing noise.
- Standing water: Female mosquitoes lay hundreds of eggs in standing water.
- Hovering over food: Male mosquitoes can often be seen buzzing over fruits or trash because they are drawn to nectar and sweets.
- Shady areas: Mosquitoes thrive in shady or dim areas, like near woods.
- Humidity: Moisture attracts mosquitoes, and there’s plenty of humidity in the air in summer to keep them happy.
Q: How can I prevent mosquitoes from invading my yard?
A: You can call your local mosquito spraying company who will come around in summer to spray for these pests at night. You can also do the following:
- Clean up debris: Trim your trees to keep shade at bay, remove areas of standing water (overturned trash lids, kiddie pools, and yard toys).
- Sprinkle coffee grounds in areas of standing water to prevent larvae from growing.
Q: What kind of scents do mosquitoes hate?
A: When outside at night, leave candles on your patio, but look for ones with essential oils that repel these pests, such as:
- Lemongrass
- Lavender
- Rosemary
- Citronella
- Clove
- Peppermint
- Cedarwood
- Eucalyptus
- Geraniol
Q: What are some common mosquitoes in Phoenix?
A: There are many species of mosquitoes that are common to Arizona, including:
- Yellow fever mosquito
- Southern house mosquito
- Western encephalitis mosquito
- Dark rice field mosquito
- Western malaria mosquito
- Inland floodwater mosquito
- Asian tiger mosquito
Q: What kind of insect is a mosquito?
A: Many mosquitoes can be classified as vectors, which are animals, insects, or ticks that spread germs to pets and people and make them sick. They are common flying insects that can be found in most parts of the world. In fact, there are more than 3,700 types of mosquitoes globally.
For Mosquito Control in Phoenix
Here at Frontino, we have great summer deals on mosquito control right now. Just contact us for a free quote on mosquito spraying at 602-338-9223. From traps to spraying to fogging, we use a variety of approaches to eliminate and prevent mosquitoes throughout summer in Phoenix. In fact, our Phoenix pest control technicians use INZECTO Mosquito Traps brand for proven results.